1984 film radford avi

1984 film radford avi

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  • «Холодная война» и трансформации образа России на западном экране - история кино - Кино-Театр.Ру
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  • Для полного совпадения (фильм снят в году по знаменитой антиутопии «» Джорджа Оруэлла, которая была создана в году) не хватило.

    George Orwell's novel of a totalitarian future society in which a man whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love. expand_more.

    Любопытно! За всю свою историю логотип компании изменялся 8 раз, при этом само название Ford никогда не исчезало с эмблемы.

    Год выхода: Производство: Virgin Films Режиссер: Майкл Редфорд (Michael Radford) Актеры: Джон Херт /John Hurt/, Ричард Бертон /Richard Burton/.

    1984 film radford avi

    1984 film radford avi

    Режиссеры Paul Aaron, Terry Winsor и др. Разработана электронная система впрыска для дизелей. Бобби и Марти дружат с самого детства. Режиссер Lew Landers.

    1984 film radford avi

    1984 film radford avi

    1984 film radford avi

    1984 film radford avi

    1984 film radford avi

    Common Hippopotamus articles - Encyclopedia of Life

    Hippos are extremely social and have a large repertoire of surface and underwater sounds. The honking call made by submerged hippos is the most common type of communication, using exhaled breath to alarm their herd of threats. This honking can reach up to decibels, equivalent to a loud thunder, and when conducted by the lead male can create a chorus from other males up to a 1. Vocalizations can be made on land or in water and are transmitted simultaneously through both. This is the only known case of amphibious calls in mammals.

    Sound heard above the surface comes from the hippos nostrils, but is made in the larynx underwater. Hippos have a large fat layer across the larynx that vibrates when the vocalization is made, sending sound throughout the water. Underwater vibrations shake jaw tissues connected the skull and ear of other hippopotami, transmitting the sound.

    1984 film radford avi

    Visual displays such as wheezing, yawning, honking, and dung showering are common territorial displays. Male hippos often emerge from the water to spread dung along the shoreline or along their grazing paths to mark their territory. Besides smell reception of urine and dung showering, hippos also use the vomeronsal organ, operating like an underwater syringe to draw in urine, to communicate the reproductive status of a male or female.

    It was estimated that in the 29 countries within its geographic range, there are only between , to , individuals. Although hunting and exploitation of hippopotami are illegal, it remains the main reason for declines in populations. This exploitation is most commonly found in areas where hippo populations are on unprotected land.

    1984 film radford avi

    Habitat loss is another reason for population declines. Hippopotami rely heavily on freshwater bodies, making them vulnerable to drought, agricultural and industrial development, and rerouting of natural water flows.

    There are few conservation efforts aimed at protecting hippo habitat and populations specifically. Countries where hippopotami are most common have strict hunting regulations and protected habitats, including national parks, reserves, and conservation areas. Hippopotami are usually very docile animals. However, when threatened, especially during drought-burdened seasons, attacks on humans occasionally occur.

    Hippopotami are extremely valuable to native hunters, providing a substantial amount of meat and valuable tusks and hide. Their thick hide is used in making shields and elastic whips. Canine tusks contain ivory, and is illegally sold on the black market. Because of their massive size, hippos play an important role in their ecosystems.

    1984 film radford avi

    Daily activities both in and out of water create habitats for smaller organisms. The formation of hippo paths from water to land clears avenues that water can flow through during wet seasons. Flooding of these paths creates most of the lagoons and side pools that small fish retreat to during droughts.

    As with all mammals, several forms of parasites affect hippopotami on both the inside and outside of their body. They attach to the inner edge of the nictitatine membrane and under they eyelid of hippopotami. Although the fluke does not cause serious harm to the eye, the areas affected become extremely irritated. Leeches and ticks are commonly found around the anal region of the hippo.

    George Orwell's 1984 - 1954 BBC TV Movie

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